Monday, March 28, 2005

Photo Project

These past few months I've been helping a friend with a photography assignment for his college entrance exam/assignment. He's an extremely talented artist, but has very little experience in photography, so I've been assisting him.

He was to take five photographs depicting a meaningful even for him. At first I helped quite a bit in visualising the series as a story, with a beginning, middle and end. I tried to be loose in a way so as not to make the project look like me, but like him. Little by little I was able to decrease my impact and increase his, up until the moment, when we did the principal photography.

He had sketched a story of his realisation of how God guides his life and how the realisation dramatically altered his perception of life. He started with modelling a clay grotesque (he prefers creating such
images), then placing the grotesque in different positions in regards to a crucifix (depicting his relation with Christ).

At first Christ was in his life, but not affecting him much:

Blindfold and an out of focus crucifix in his shadow.

Then he notices God's presence in his life:

Blindfolded, but facing the crucifix.

Then he acknowledges his power and good will:

Kneeling, no blindfold, focus on the crucifix.

Then he strives to do God's will:

Climbing to the heavenly lit crucifix.

Finally he's at peace with God:

Holding the blindfold, reaching a hand towards the heavenly lit crucifix.

I have to say that with all the work he has put into the project, not only in this, but in painting (which is his strongest field) and other work as well, it'd be a right shame if he didn't get in.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Website Update!

Even though I haven't had the time to add any new pictures or change the look of the galleries, I've made the step of radically altering the look of the front page.
I think it lends itself better to the web medium, as a it can be viewed as a whole with a 1154 x 768 pixel monitor (although without the contact info).

If you wish, you can comment on the look, either in English or in Finnish (or in Swedish, German, or even Norwegian if you so prefer).

Here's the front page picture. I decided not to have a prominent photograph in the front for this updated site.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Quick Addition

I just got a call that I received that post as a teacher! Now all I have to worry about is how on earth can I move between Tampere and Kuopio: the public transport system in Finland between west and east is really awful!

Free again!

I'm free again! I've been organising all manner of things and getting ready for this and that. Our christian student group, Pilke, organised two event: a talk be the evangelist Kalevi Lehtinen and a viewing of "The Passion of the Christ" and I've been one of the main organisers in both and let me tell you I'm so releaved to have finally gotten them out of my way.

I was also at a job interview yesterday -if all things go well I'll be teaching chemistry to med school applicants (here in Finland you have to pass an entry exam to get into almost anything). That would be nice. Then I'd be able to buy that 12-24 mm Sigma wideangle zoom.

I've also had a ton of exams and I have only one to go, so graduation here I come!

On a lighter note I've been also taking photos whenever I've had the time and weather's been permitting. See the results for yourself:

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I'm well on my way on updating my site once again. I've got some really nice pictures taken just recently one some of the last pictures from my archives. There's only a couple of images left from noise reduction (when you take photos with ISO 1600 or with long exposures you have to trim down the noise).

I've also been asked whether I could take photos of an aquaintance for her graduation. I'm not yet sure whether I will as I'm not really a people photographer (well depending on what's meant by really that is: I've photographed several weddings events and what have you, but I don't feel like I'm any good at it).

I also have some new photos that I should photoshop pretty soon. Here's peek preview of couple of pictures:

Friday, March 11, 2005

Photo retouch

A friend of mine asked me to renovate a picture of his grandmother and while I hadn't done that kind of photo retouch before I felt confident enough to try. Here's a comparison: click the picture to see it a bit bigger (the original was around 7000x10000 pixels).

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Dang this Blogspot -the cyberspace ate my post! I probably won't write the same message again, so I'll try something new!

I finally feel that things are going fine and that everything's okay in all aspects of life. Most of my essays are finished, I've read all the books for my exams and I even had my professor approve the time I spent for my master's thesis (DI-tyƶ) for my student training (a mandatory thing for engineers here in Finland).

I even got round to going shooting some picture tonigh, even though the sunset was past its prime when I arrived at Pispala peak (a very nice place for sunset photography, but very straining to cycle there). Soon I'll be adding more pictures -like there weren't too many already (~500).

Monday, March 07, 2005

Come, spring

I'm quite anxious about spring and everything it has in store. Not only will I be able to delve a bit deeper into photography I will also finally finish my studies and do something worthwhile (not that this isn't...). Every day that it's nice and sunny I feel tired and decide to stay inside and whenever I've got the mood for a photo excursion the weather is bound to be bleak and dull. But I do have high hopes on the spring.

BTW still no pictures sold :(

Friday, March 04, 2005

First steps!

This is the start of my PhotoBlog! I'm not sure whether I'll make it a daily or a monthly habit of adding stuff here, but I hope I can reach people who are interested in a whole new way!

This Blog is linked to my site
and I'll be posting on my new ventures, photo trips, changes in my life and so on. At the moment I've been so involved in finishing my master's studies in chemistry and in finding a job that I haven't had enough energy to take as many pictures as I would like.
I'm also hoping that my finance will improve and that I'll be able to invest on new equipment. Then on the other hand if I do get a job, it may also hinder my photography in posing constraints in schedules.

But if all goes well by june I'll be a diploma engineer in chemistry and a qualified teacher and will start working on my PhD (well actually doctorate in technology) in light chemistry.